Glorious Mom Blog

How seeing the big picture is key to happiness

A lot of us here in the wealthy USA struggle with being unhappy, despite our numerous blessings. If we have a bad day, or string of days, our mood turns sour. If we’re a stay-at-home mom, our kids drives us crazy. If we’re working moms we don’t see our kids enough. It’s worse if we compare ourselves to someone else, because inevitably they “have it better than us.”

Sometimes realizing that our attitude is making us unhappy is not enough to bring internal change.

What we really need is not a change in circumstances, but a change in perspective. Is it wrong to want to better ourselves and our lives? No, of course not! But it is frequently the act of obsessing over the things that aren’t perfect in our lives that is making us unhappy.

This concept also works for relationships. We may be in a relationship that is actually pretty healthy, but not perfect, and when we focus on the little problems, play situations over and over in our head, I meditate on the person’s shortcomings, we can easily miss how lucky we are to have that person.

God sees and knows everything. Everything that has ever happened, every thought of the brain and motive of the heart. Every action that no one ever saw but you. He also knows what is going to happen. He understands the intricacies of human relationships like no one else.

That’s why the best way to get peace about any situation is to get God’s perspective.

This doesn’t mean that we can know everything like He does. However, we can pray to get the mind of Christ and practice setting our hearts and minds on things above (Colossians 3:2). We can shift our focus from all the little things that are bugging us, and trust that things do, indeed work together for good for them that love God (Romans 8:28).

We can focus on the whole picture of God’s faithfulness in blessing our lives and remember everything He’s done for us, instead of losing ourselves in a painful moment. The best way to find happiness is to choose happiness. To be thankful, to be aware that the situation that we’re currently in is not the end of the story; it’s only part of it, and our blessings far outweigh the negatives. God is also there every step of the way to help us choose joy over depression and peace over anxiety.

If you’re discovering that the chaos in your life is unmanageable and want to seek God for renewed peace in your life, check out my devotional Finding Peace in the Chaos. You can sign up for the free seven day email devotional below.