As a woman, I’m a pretty emotional person. I wouldn’t say that I’m easily offended or get my feelings hurt a lot, but I definitely feel. Over the years I’ve found a pretty important tool for tempering my response to someone else’s selfishness or cruelty. I’m going to share that with you in a bit. […]
Personal Growth
Balancing your heart and your head
I’ve struggled with realizing that emotions are not always indicators of truth. Accepting this is a mark of growing up. When I was younger, I was pretty convinced that if I felt strongly enough about something, it had to be true. Well, college taught me to analyze things objectively and rationally. Eventually, I realized that […]
When it’s Hard-to-Give-Thanks-giving
Thanksgiving is a time to remember our blessings and voice our gratitude to God, our friends and family, and to ourselves. If you are astute enough to acknowledge that you’re not as thankful as you should be, you’re actually in a good place! My husband recognized years before I did that I had a problem […]
I SO don’t have it all together
It happened. I became a pastor’s wife. Well, technically, I married him before he became a pastor, and he’s a worship pastor, but it’s the same concept. So lots of people see me, and know who I am. I’m not in the least obsessed with what people think of me, but with many eyes on […]
The surprising reason you had a bad day
Everyone has one of those days. It might start early in the morning, or later in the day. Something small but not-quite-right happens that gets under your skin. Today I was looking forward to sleeping in, as Jac didn’t have school. Then two of my kids woke up at 6:15AM anyways, my youngest insisting I […]
Why you’ll never be good enough
It’s funny how the simplest truth can get convoluted into something that means the opposite. But sometimes understanding the truth can mean the difference between living free and being completely miserable. How many people don’t want to talk to or even think about God because the act brings feelings of shame and inadequacy? How many […]
The Day My Anxiety Left Part 2
Around this time I had one of those *special* days where personal stuff with my family compounded with an extremely untimely diaper blowout and ended in me snapping at my husband, confirming my emotional failure for the day. All in all, for about five days, I lived almost as if God’s work in me had never happened. I knew I was still free, that the Holy Spirit had still blessed me, but this test I failed.