This post is written in collaboration with my friend Karen Arends, who spends about as much time on Facebook as I do. This post contains affiliate links. There’s a lot of great ideas circulating the internet as far as fun and educational activities to do with your kids while you guys are stuck athome together. […]
- Homeschool
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5 ways to encourage early reading

This post contains affiliate links. Not every kid is going to learn to read on a traditional timeline. Not every kid is going to love it, either. But as a parent, there are things you can do to spark an interest, develop skills, and encourage a future in reading. My first kid learned to read […]
How to Help Your Child Thrive with Autism

Today’s guest post is written by Lin Buckner of If you have a child on the autism spectrum, you’re not alone. The CDC estimates that one in six children under the age of 8 is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) every year. Although the diagnosis might sound scary, having a child with autism […]
Stocking stuffers for unicorn lovers

My eight-year-old daughter is crazy about unicorns (as is, it seems, every other eight-year-old girl), so I asked her to curate this list for my readers to help you find gift ideas for the unicorn lover in your life. All these gifts are small enough to fit in a stocking and cost less than $15. […]
The link between coffee and anxiety

This post contains affiliate links. I recently shared a post on social media about my anxiety relief that I will also share here. The interesting thing is that when I mentioned coffee and anxiety, several people said that cutting out coffee made a huge difference for them. I read an article that mentioned that coffee […]
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Gift ideas for an autistic child

Kids with autism can often be difficult to buy presents for. My son didn’t even like toys for years. He went through a phase where he was only interested in kitchen utensils. So I created this list to help parents get ideas of what they might buy their kid. You know your child; they’re probably […]
15 gifts for mom under $50

If anyone needs a great gift this year, it’s your mom. Besides carrying you for nine months, suffering through a painful labor and sleepless nights, no one loves you quite like her. So check out these gifts from Amazon that she will be sure to love. This post contains affiliate links. For more information, visit […]
4 places to find quality mom friends

It’s hard not to battle guilt as a mom. We even feel guilty for not enjoying every single moment with our kids, as if the ability to feel peace and joy while your kids are giving you attitude or simultaneously tossing demands at you is a mark of a good parent. It’s no secret that […]
How to have faith and strength in hard times: the “even if” factor

This post was written by a friend of mine, Cicely Silva, and originally appeared on her blog, This is an excerpt with a link to finish reading on her blog. Maintaining a strong faith in God despite our circumstances can be very difficult. We get discouraged, confused, angry, feel betrayed, and so many other […]
Must have baby products for new moms

Creating a registry can be overwhelming. How can a tiny human need so much? Fortunately, If you’re a first-time-mom, you have the benefit of those who have gone before you as to whether the product is a lifesaver or a waste of money. If you’ve bought some of these and and have your own opinion, […]