2% of Americans Adopt: What to Consider Before Making That Decision

2% of Americans adopt: what to consider before making that decision.

Although lots of people consider adopting a child, only 2% of Americans have actually done so. It’s arguably harder to adopt a child than to have one of your own (depending, of course, on your particular situation). Here are some things to consider before deciding to go through the adoption process.

Determine Your Parental Readiness

Not everyone is prepared to be a parent. Adopting a child takes more commitment to wanting to be a parent than the standard pregnancy. Many couples wait years before being able to adopt a child. This process can start to take a serious toll on the relationship. You both have to really want to adopt a child. It can be disheartening to think you’re getting a child only to have the birth parents change their mind. This emotional roller coaster is something that can turn you off from the process.

Consider the Needs of the Child

There are lots of children that are awaiting adoption. Some of these kids may have special needs that are causing them to be overlooked. Whether there are physical or mental disabilities, this is something that you need to consider. It can dramatically cut down on the wait time to adopt a child. On the over hand, it may be more than you can handle as a family. There are also lots of older children that are looking for a home.

2% of Americans adopt: what to consider before making that decision. Look Into Your Financial Means

Adoption can be a pricey proposition. You need to have the financial means to move forward. In some cases, you may be able to adopt a baby directly from the birth parents. It’s often standard to pay the medical expenses of the expectant mother. There may also be travel requirements in order for you to adopt an out of state baby. International adoption may be something that you’re interested in pursuing. You would need the financial means to travel to another country for the adoption.

Select the Right Agency

Find an adoption agency, like A Child’s Dream, that works for you and your family. Growing your family is a big responsibility. You want to be able to trust the agency that is working for you. A social worker will be determining the right fit for you. They need to know what you’re willing to take on. You will also need to have an adoption budget in mind. An agency typically conducts background checks on adopting parents as well as birth parents. Another thing to consider is the type of adoption—open versus closed.

There is a lot to consider before you decide to adopt a child. You should be prepared before you take the next step.