Creating a registry can be overwhelming. How can a tiny human need so much? Fortunately, If you’re a first-time-mom, you have the benefit of those who have gone before you as to whether the product is a lifesaver or a waste of money. If you’ve bought some of these and and have your own opinion, […]
The best positions to breastfeed while you are in bed
This post is a guest post from our friends at The best positions to breastfeed while you are in bed are: • The laid-back breastfeeding • The side by side nursing position Let’s start with the most popular one: The biological nurturing or The laid-back breastfeeding position. The laid-back breastfeeding position Diagram source […]
5 gifts that aid baby learning
This is a collaborative post by Buying a baby gift is not exactly an easy thing to do, as there are so many things to consider, and while you want to buy something useful, there is also the baby’s development to take into account. Young minds are learning from day one and some gifts […]
The six most common breastfeeding problems and how to solve them
I’ve had three kids, and experienced breastfeeding in some capacity with all of them. The challenges can be quite disconcerting, so I wrote a guest post about it for Swaddles n Bottles. Hopefully some of my tips here can help you overcome your own breastfeeding hurdles. Topics include falling asleep at the breast, latching difficulties, […]
Buy this, not that: baby gear edition
This post contains affiliate links. Three kids later, I have some suggestions as to what baby stuff works out and what doesn’t. Learn from my mistakes! I bought many of these items twice because the first version was terrible. And online reviews are NOT always helpful. Buy this: baby monitor, not that baby monitor. I […]
Fed is best: when breastfeeding doesn’t work
We’ve all met moms who’ve tried everything to make breastfeeding work for their baby, because they know it’s best; but they’re losing their minds because it’s just not happening. They love their bundle of joy so much they’ll do whatever it takes to get them what they need, but either they’re not producing enough milk, […]
Dear Mom with Small Children: It Gets Easier
In a sense I feel like a bit of a hypocrite for writing this because I still struggle from time to time with Mommy Moments. Sometimes I do okay. Like the time I went to get my son in the morning, and his head was covered in Vaseline. Had to call Poison Control in case […]
9 lists of baby names to check out
Picking a baby name is exciting and fun. As a mom, whenever I came across a beautiful name for a girl in a book, I’d think, “I’d love to name my daughter that!” However, I’m not the only one picking the name! The challenging part is finding a name that both you and your partner […]
Alternatives to letting your baby cry it out
Baby sleep is stressful. As a mom, you care so much when your kid cries, and you want them to get good rest. There are magical babies that sleep through the night at a few months old. And then there are my babies. My husband has always urged me to let my babies cry it […]
7 baby products that shouldn’t exist

By this point I’ve been through three babies. My youngest is a toddler. So I find myself at times asking the question, “who on earth thought this baby (or toddler) product was a good idea, and why have they not made amends for their error?” Read my list, and then let me know if you […]