Today we get to hear from guest author Stephen Altrogge, who blogs over at as he shares some great insight and perspective on some of the frustration we as parents experience. If you like this post, be sure to check out more on his blog! I believe it was Albert Einstein who said that […]
Why your kids listen to your husband but not you
Am I the only mom that struggles with this? For example, it takes me around an hour of begging and threatening to get my toddler to go to bed (he finds this whole process hilarious), but my husband gets him to sleep in minutes. I often have to tell my six-year-old several times to do […]
Read this if your kid gets scared at night
This post has been sponsored by the Knight Nights, but all opinions are my own. I don’t know if EVERY kid gets scared of the dark or being alone at night, but it’s pretty nearly universal. All three of my kids have gone through this at some point, and it’s not necessarily a quick phase. […]
How to Parent Like a Boss Mom
Today’s post is written by guest writer Claire Adams. You may say it’s a bit ironic that we get very little or no preparation in terms of education when it comes to one of the most important aspects of most people’s lives – being a good parent. While we learn for years and years in […]
Valuable parenting advice you need to read
This post is sponsored by Kim Fredrickson. All opinions are honest and come from the author, Susan Croox. This post contains affiliate links. For more information visit my disclosure page. We all want to be a good mom. Different parenting styles mean that we will have different strengths and weaknesses, but one thing is consistent: […]
The one trick that might help you beat anxiety and depression
Anxiety and depression can really destroy your happiness. There’s not usually a quick fix to help you break free from the patterns that bring it on, but sometimes a small change can make a big difference. I’m on a journey to be completely joyful and anxiety and depression-free, even when my circumstances are less than […]
Praying for your miracle
I received an email from a family friend who has a son with special needs and other medical conditions. Different Christian families might have a different approach to this situation, but this family has decided to pray and believe God for their son’s complete healing. I want to share his words because I think they […]
10 things that make me happy
When I got invited to do this post, I realized it actually fits pretty nicely with my blog’s current theme of seeking to walk in joy despite life’s challenges. Meditating on the things that bring us joy is actually a great exercise that helps to stop the habit of complaining. I need to do this […]
6 ways to manage stress as a stay-at-home mom
I never thought of myself as being an anxious person, or a stressed-out person. However, after having three kids, especially since my middle child has autism, it’s definitely something I struggle with from time to time. In this post here I talk about how God set me free from anxiety, but I still need to […]
How to be happy when life stinks
We all have good days and bad days. Then there are those seasons that seem to drag on forever where we feel like we’re barely keeping our head above the water, and we just wait and pray for things to change. In this post here I talk about why God lets us wait. I strongly […]