Teach your child to read with a tea party!

Test your child’s language skills in a relaxed, non-threatening way by combining a reading activity with a tea party! You will personalize “bags of tea” with jumbles of words that can be reconfigured to form a simple sentence. Make acquainting your child with sentence structure and improving her reading skills an entertaining challenge as she […]

Teaching kids to code with Cubetto 

I have an extraordinarily bright five year old. I’ve been homeschooling her using first and second grade workbooks, but she mostly teaches herself. She reads at about a third grade level. As a busy work-at-home-mom, I’m always looking for ways to challenge her, ways that don’t necessarily require a ton of my personal attention, but […]

The six most common breastfeeding problems and how to solve them

I’ve had three kids, and experienced breastfeeding in some capacity with all of them. The challenges can be quite disconcerting, so I wrote a guest post about it for Swaddles n Bottles. Hopefully some of my tips here can help you overcome your own breastfeeding hurdles. Topics include falling asleep at the breast, latching difficulties, […]

10 parenting pins we need to exist

Pinterest is full of inspiring idea and encouraging articles. The pins are usually so gorgeous and perfect. But that’s not always what you’re looking for. Sometimes you need a post that addresses the nitty gritty of motherhood. Not just a pretty pin to save for later, but something that addresses the embarrassing topics that inevitable […]