This post contains affiliate links. I recently shared a post on social media about my anxiety relief that I will also share here. The interesting thing is that when I mentioned coffee and anxiety, several people said that cutting out coffee made a huge difference for them. I read an article that mentioned that coffee […]
Personal Growth
4 places to find quality mom friends

It’s hard not to battle guilt as a mom. We even feel guilty for not enjoying every single moment with our kids, as if the ability to feel peace and joy while your kids are giving you attitude or simultaneously tossing demands at you is a mark of a good parent. It’s no secret that […]
How to have faith and strength in hard times: the “even if” factor

This post was written by a friend of mine, Cicely Silva, and originally appeared on her blog, This is an excerpt with a link to finish reading on her blog. Maintaining a strong faith in God despite our circumstances can be very difficult. We get discouraged, confused, angry, feel betrayed, and so many other […]
Breaking free from mom-guilt and the shame of failure

Lately, I’ve let guilt of every sort consume my life. Guilt from being impatient with my kids and not giving enough of myself. Guilt over not giving enough of myself to my spouse, and the constant mistakes I make on a regular basis. Guilt over not being a good daughter, sibling, friend. Guilt over my […]
Does God ever give us more than we can handle?

This morning as I sat in church, I felt the weight of all the ways I have fallen short: as a wife, as a mom, in my devotional life, and so many other things. My kids are home for the summer and they don’t listen to me, but rather spend their energy screaming at each […]
How to have faith when your mountain is huge

Everyone has challenges in their life. Mine is pretty big. Last year in April I was diagnosed with late-stage cancer. The doctor gave me two years to live. I have three kids seven and under, one with autism. Many people look at me and think, well, my problems aren’t that big compared to yours. Please […]
Are you a polite person? 3 levels of kindness found in the Bible

It’s a bit odd for me to write a post like this since I wasn’t always the most, shall we say, socially-aware person. My husband and a close friend of mine brought this to my attention years ago, and I like to think that I’ve learned a little since. The word polite is not the […]
Finding contentment in the midst of suffering

When I first started blogging in 2016, I was on a journey to find more peace and joy in my life. I had received some minor breakthroughs and blogged about it. I even started writing a book. But as I continued to struggle with contentment even though externally I was quite blessed, I stopped writing. […]
If I were healed from cancer (a holy imagination exercise)
This morning I was awoken by my husband praying over me, and in that half-awake state, it stirred a holy imagination, faith, in other words, to picture what things would look like if/when I got healed from my stage 4 breast cancer. The following is an imagined scenario of what it could look like when […]
Why do bad things happen to good people: my cancer diagnosis
First of all let me clarify the title of this series: I am not good. According to the Bible, no one is. I certainly have my share of shortcomings. However, anyone looking at my life will likely have this question because the fruit of my life is good. Jesus said in Matthew 7 that you […]