I’m currently fighting cancer and the chemo makes me tired. I have the dichotomy of wanting to spend time with my kids, but also needing to rest. Even healthy moms have this issue, so I had an idea that might help my kids and I make memories, combat the mom guilt, but also not completely […]
10 parenting pins we need to exist
Pinterest is full of inspiring idea and encouraging articles. The pins are usually so gorgeous and perfect. But that’s not always what you’re looking for. Sometimes you need a post that addresses the nitty gritty of motherhood. Not just a pretty pin to save for later, but something that addresses the embarrassing topics that inevitable […]
Buy this, not that: baby gear edition
This post contains affiliate links. Three kids later, I have some suggestions as to what baby stuff works out and what doesn’t. Learn from my mistakes! I bought many of these items twice because the first version was terrible. And online reviews are NOT always helpful. Buy this: baby monitor, not that baby monitor. I […]
5 solutions for messy little boys
Yesterday, my little boy was in his toy room, hanging out as usual. When I stopped in to check up on him, the room smelled like poo. And he was naked. NOT A GOOD COMBINATION. As you can imagine, I spent the next thirty minutes cleaning him and the room. Little boys are gross! Over […]
Things moms with boys say
As a mom of two boys, I find myself saying the craziest things on a regular basis. Such as: “Don’t attack me with your head.” “Don’t eat toothpaste!” “You’re naked? Already? I thought I had more time …” The thought occurred to me that there are oodles of moms out there with even crazier things […]
Dear Mom with Small Children: It Gets Easier
In a sense I feel like a bit of a hypocrite for writing this because I still struggle from time to time with Mommy Moments. Sometimes I do okay. Like the time I went to get my son in the morning, and his head was covered in Vaseline. Had to call Poison Control in case […]
6 signs you might be a good mom
Maybe you don’t actually question if you’re a decent parent. For myself, I tend to question if I’m doing enough. That concern is born out of a deep-seated concern for my children’s welfare that was created in me by God when I became a first-time mother. If you ever ask that question, you might be […]
Autism adventures and how we deal
The logo for Autism Speaks contains puzzle pieces, which I think is perfect. Our whole life is a puzzle with our autistic four-year-old, constantly strategizing to keep him from terrorizing the world, destroying our house, and hurting himself. Every few months we have to level up, because what worked before doesn’t work anymore. For instance, […]
I took a shower
I took a shower. Earth paused its rotation in sheer contemplation of the boldness of such an act. God in His glory laughed at the story of me getting clean; it’s a fact. I took a shower. Two little boys with plenty of toys decided they needed the others’. Then shouting ensued along with some […]
How to distract your kids while you work

I’ve been working since I was in my teens, with a short break while I was in college. When I had my first baby, I still had to continue all my normal duties, except with a newborn! I now have three small children, and still have zero childcare. So in the past five plus years, […]