Today’s guest post is written by Lin Buckner of If you have a child on the autism spectrum, you’re not alone. The CDC estimates that one in six children under the age of 8 is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) every year. Although the diagnosis might sound scary, having a child with autism […]
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Gift ideas for an autistic child

Kids with autism can often be difficult to buy presents for. My son didn’t even like toys for years. He went through a phase where he was only interested in kitchen utensils. So I created this list to help parents get ideas of what they might buy their kid. You know your child; they’re probably […]
4 places to find quality mom friends

It’s hard not to battle guilt as a mom. We even feel guilty for not enjoying every single moment with our kids, as if the ability to feel peace and joy while your kids are giving you attitude or simultaneously tossing demands at you is a mark of a good parent. It’s no secret that […]
10 parenting hacks for the autism mom
Parenting is crazy hard. Parenting a child with autism requires an unusual amount of creativity and resourcefulness. Each child is different, but most have unique challenges. Mine has has extremely limited speech, and his sensory processing disorder requires extra input sometimes, but also dictates that things like food touching his fingers and bloody noses drive […]
A tribute to all the autism moms
I see you, mama, with your sweet little boy, who is perfectly average on the outside, and everything but average under his skin. I see you struggling at meal time because he will only eat cereal, but screams when his clumsy fingers spill food on his shirt, as he can’t endure the feel of spilt […]
Autism adventures and how we deal
The logo for Autism Speaks contains puzzle pieces, which I think is perfect. Our whole life is a puzzle with our autistic four-year-old, constantly strategizing to keep him from terrorizing the world, destroying our house, and hurting himself. Every few months we have to level up, because what worked before doesn’t work anymore. For instance, […]
Autism and Our Family: the Diagnosis
“My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” Psalm 139:15-16 People sometimes ask […]
My secret for keeping clothes on my toddler
Jac is like many typical three-year-old boys in that he prefers being naked. If his diaper is wet or dirty, that thing is coming OFF. You might say, Oh, great! He’s ready for potty training! But Jac is not a typical three-year-old in that he has autism, and potty training hasn’t quite worked out yet. […]
6 perks of autism
My three year-old son was born with a heart defect (read about that here), and was diagnosed last summer with autism (read about the diagnosis here). So I fully understand that it’s a challenge, and simple things like getting your son to tell you what he wants can be nearly impossible. At the same time, […]